Follow Me

November 1, 2009

People love mystery, and that is why they love my paintings-Salvador Dali

Part futuristic and nostalgic, part triumphant and tragic, part pop art and architectural Masakatsu Sashie’stremendous paintings are depictions of decaying civilizations punctuated–and possibly being observed by–giant, self-contained, floating spheres. His work, besides being visually strong, conjures up many a question: is this time after civilization, is this an entirely pessimistic view of our current state (after all, video game machines can’t be that bad), and, most of all, why is a dystopian future so hard to look away from?-SWIPELIFE.COM


Jevon said...

WOW im in love with this type of art work, When ppl combind shit it blows my mind. Nice post

Jimmy said...

Dali is one of my favorite artists! I like "The Persistence of Memory", the one with the melting clocks!

MalibuMara said...

i love these, i want them on my walls,
lol i say that alot but honestly these are amazing :)

HipHopCulture said...

This is dope, we done him in art I think. Check out "Banksy" he is a british graffiti artist.

Anonymous said...

This super cool dude,

follow i'll do the same

Tammy said...

Dope post

come check out the new design of my blog

BDOM said...

thanks u guys 4 the love,

MalibuMara said...

that is a good suggestion i should start posting some menswear i see cool things often
and i would love to do an interview just tell me when

Justin said...

these are great! i went to a exhibition from dali a couple years ago was dope!

Dcjaxn said...

what happened that jerkin vid?

Jevon said...

You Nnamz why did you delete the vid? I didn't even get a chance to see.. i was at work.