Im making a clothing...its coming soon....every one...and i wantr diggy to help me out on this one...Its kind of like graffitti....buh better....i want the clothingt to be called OUtterMeans..or NextDecade...I want something cool...Anyways...Trying to see when runs house comes back on...im going to saddle river to meet my aunt nd i might visit the Simmons just to let them get to know me...I dnt live ion a mansion..buh i could...I have money so much that we can a have a mansion..but we xhoose other wise..bcuz if we buy a mansion we may not have anymore money. thats a lie...buh we just dnt wanna waist money...wen i go off to college...rust nd believ im going to a school diggy is going too
Lol everyone is making a clothing line....I have one coming out soon lol. what's your going to be about?
The Outter-Meens
...hbu yours...are you ricH????
I think I want to call mine Roqstar....or something like dat my name is kind of undecided...yahhh Im rich!!!! lol
oh kewl...seriously..uhh wat city do yu live in???...du yu have a myspace???
I live in Saddle River...nahh i don't have a myspace.but right now i'm sittin her drawin sketches for my clothing line
sure.do you know diggy???..i wanted to just drive dwnt there nd visit saddle..buh idk....whats yur number
nahh I don't know diggy I seen him in person once but nahh I don't know him too much......My numba is under a diff area code right now because i'm out of town promoted stuff for my mom it's 414-550-1099 dats my cell go ahead text me Lol
aight...you liove close by diggy...if you do why dnt yuo get to know him????.......nd i will text yu
I really don't know why not i gotta text him nd meet up with him again...maybe Ill see him back at hooters lol......Alright...Ill text back
you goty his number...wow...you guys are close
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